Dunja Dreesens

78 Annex A – Meeting protocol POW(W) – PURPOSE, OUTCOME, WHY – OF MEETING Purpose Statement of meeting objective(s) To develop a framework that makes it possible to position knowledge and decision support tool types along 3 or 4 axes/ dimensions, next to clarifying their mutual relations. By doing so, this framework would help tool developers which tool needs to be developed in which case. Outcome More specific; it is what you have when you walk out of the door of the meeting, the desired result A framework to be presented to the knowledge and decision support tools community of developers, and, implementers, possibly even users, to test whether it is usable and suitable. A framework that can be adjusted to the national situation. A plan how to ensure that stakeholders worldwide are informed about the framework. Why The rationale for achieving the meeting objective(s) and each individual’s “what’s in it for me” To meet a heart-felt need by developers, implementers and users of knowledge and decision support tools to clarify the different types of tools and how they are mutually related, so that developers can develop the right tool for the right job. To contribute to the different domains of research of the participants, and unifying terminology in and across domains. MEETING PROGRAMME DAY 1 (Feb 23 rd ) DAY 2 (Feb 24 th ) 8:30 - Welcome - Introductions - Presentation Whole group 9:00 Reflection & summarizing day 1 Whole group 9:00 Reflection on: - Scope of invitational (step 1) - Assessing list of knowledge tool types familiar and complete types (step 2) Whole group Fine tuning and finalizing (1): (step 8) - Purposes of tools (part 1) - Checking/ticking boxes of part 1 of framework Presentation subgroup results & whole group 10:30 Coffee break 10:30 Coffee break Sorting exercise: - In/excluding knowledge tools (step 3) - Identifying purposes of tools (step 4) I n subgroups Fine tuning and finalizing (2): (step 9) - Core ingredients of tools (part 1) - Checking/ticking boxes of part 2 of framework Presentation subgroup results & whole group 12:30 Lunch break 12:30 Follow-up and next steps Identifying core ingredients (step 5) In subgroups 13:00 Barometer & end of day two 15:00 Break – preparing material for teleconference - Whole group 16:30 Video- and/or teleconference Presenting & discussing results of invitational so far (step 6)Knowledge tools - List of purposes & core ingredients - Visual representation of draft framework Chair and TC participants (60min.), followed by discussion (30 min., all) 18:00 Line-up & end of day one Material to be send via email to SH & RR (step 7) Chapter 4