Sara van den Berg

163 6 T-cell dynamics in CMV Supplementary Figure 1. Gating strategy for sorting of different T-cell populations. Peripheral blood mono- nuclear cells (PBMCs) were isolated using Ficoll-Paque PLUS density centrifugation and stained for CD3, CD56, CD4, CD8, CD45RO, CCR7, CD27, and CD95 (see Materials and methods for antibody specificities). Live lym- phocytes were gated based on SSC-A/FSC-A and FSC-H/FSC-A plots. T-cells were subsequently defined as CD3 + CD56 - . T-cell subpopulations were defined as follows: truly naive, T TN (CCR7 + CD45RO - CD27 + CD95 + ), central memory, T CM (CD45RO + CD27 + ), effector memory, T EM (CD27 - CD45RO + ) and effector memory re-expressing RA, T EMRA (CD27 - CD45RO - ).