Sara van den Berg

169 6 T-cell dynamics in CMV Supplementary Figure 7. Dynamics of different T-cell subpopulations and estimated production rates in- cluding confidence intervals. A. Combined deuterium labelling enrichment (%DNA labelled) of different T-cell subpopulations for all individuals, both CMV+ and CMV-. Label enrichment was scaled between 0 and 100% by normalizing for the estimated maximum enrichment of granulocytes (see Materials and methods ). B. Sum- mary of estimated production rates with confidence intervals of T TN , T CM , and T EM/EMRA CD4 + and CD8 + T-cells in CMV- (blue symbols) and CMV+ (red symbols) individuals. Data from each individual are represented by unique symbols. C. Summary of estimated production rates with confidence intervals of CMV-specific CD8 + T-cells. All estimates (both from B and C ) were obtained by fitting a single-exponential model to the data sets per individual (see Materials and methods and Supplementary Figure 5 .