Sara van den Berg

170 Chapter 6 Supplementary Figure 8. Percentages of senescence, proliferation, and apoptosis markers in all partic- ipants and the ten selected for the heavy water labelling study. A,B. The percentage of T CM and T EM/EMRA positive for CD57, KLRG-1, CD28, Ki-67, and Bcl-2 are shown for CD4 + ( A ) or CD8 + ( B ) T-cell populations. In the top panels of both A and B all participants are shown, and in the lower panels only those selected for the heavy water labelling study, highlighted with a unique color. C. The expression of CD57, KLRG-1, CD28, Ki-67, and Bcl-2 on CMV-specific CD8 + T-cells is compared to the expression on bulk T EM/EMRA CD8 + T-cells from CMV+ individuals. Differences between CMV- and CMV+ individuals were tested by Mann-Whitney U test. Stars indicate significant differences as follows: * P -value <0.05, ** P -value <0.01, *** P -value <0.001, *** P -value <0.0001.