Sara van den Berg

97 4 CMV on influenza infection Figure 1. CMV is associated with a more differentiated and senescent CD8 + T-cell phenotype, especially in older adults, and less memory influenza-specific CD8 + T-cells. A) t-SNE analysis of total CD8 + T-cells based on MFI of CD57, KLRG-1, CXCR3, CD95, CD127, CD45RO, CD27 and CCR7 in CMV- and CMV+ individuals (total of n= 97). Equal amount of cells were used per donor. Six large clusters could be identified. B) Heatmap of expression of markers of t-SNE clusters. C-E) Percentage of CD57+ (C), KLRG-1+ (D) or PD-1+ (E) CD8 + T-cells in young and old CMV- and CMV+ individuals. F) Distribution of CD8+ T-cells over naïve and memory subpop- ulation for young CMV- and young CMV+ individuals (left panel) and old CMV- and old CMV+ individuals (right