Sara van den Berg

Chapter 1 General introduction and scope of this thesis 9
Chapter 2 Negative effect of age, but not of latent cytomegalovirus infection on the antibody response to a novel influenza vaccine strain in healthy adults 23
Chapter 3 Effect of latent cytomegalovirus infection on the antibody response to influenza vaccination: a systematic review and meta-analysis 51
Chapter 4 Latent cytomegalovirus infection does not affect the immune response to influenza virus infection in older adults 87
Chapter 5 The hallmarks of CMV-specific CD8+ T-cell differentiation 115
Chapter 6 Quantification of T-cell dynamics during latent human cytomegalovirus infection 135
Chapter 7 Limited effect of duration of CMV infection on adaptive immunity and frailty: insights from a 27-year long longitudinal study 173
Chapter 8 General discussion 203
Nederlandse samenvatting 224
Curriculum vitae 231
List of publications 233
Dankwoord 235