Milea Timbergen

181 Supplemental Materials 1. Search strategy used in databases: on December 20, 2019 and updated on April 14, 2020. (‘desmoid tumor’/exp OR Fibromatosis/exp OR (desmoid* OR Fibromatos*):ab,ti,kw) AND (‘conservative treatment’/de OR ‘active surveillance’/de OR ‘watchful waiting’/de OR ‘expectant management’/de OR ‘observation’/de OR ‘clinical observation’/de OR (((activ*) NEAR/3 (surveill*)) OR ((conservativ* OR non-surgical* OR nonsurgical* OR non-operativ* OR nonoperativ* OR expectant* OR expectativ* OR expectiv*) NEAR/3 (treatm* OR therap* OR approach* OR managem* OR intervent*)) OR ((watchful*) NEAR/3 (waiting*)) OR ((wait) NEAR/3 (see OR watch)) OR wait-and-see OR ((without) NEXT/2 (intervent* OR treatm* OR therap*)) OR ((natural*) NEXT/3 (cours* OR behaviour* OR behavior*)) OR observation):ab,ti,kw) AND [ENGLISH]/lim NOT ((animal/exp OR animal*:de OR nonhuman/de) NOT (‘human’/exp)) NOT (‘case report’/exp OR (case-report*:ti) 6