Milea Timbergen

232 Table 3. (continued) Themes Subthemes Key issues Quotes Psychological/ emotional domain Coping strategy Lifestyle changes Emotional& psychological consequences Psychological support • Awareness for psychological or emotional issues and anticipate by offering psychologic therapy “this is part of my pathway in life” “you learn to deal with this functional limitation; you just have to changes things” “if this is the worst scenario, I am okay with it” “as long as you don’t know, you can worry about it, but it will do no good” Social domain Education / financial / employment Social support / support of family • Interest for impact of situation on family members of DTF patients “my family had more difficulty with the surgery than I did” “everyone is relieved because it’s benign; yes that’s what I thought the first time. Sometimes I find that difficult, because that is easy to say for people not living with a tumour in their abdomen” “the social pictures has changed, people I went to college with are more advanced in life, I’m standing still in life” “I had to move to a ground floor apartment” 8