Milea Timbergen

99 Figure 1. Supervised hierarchical clustering based on differentially methylated regions (DMRs) between S45F and T41A mutated DTF tumours together with clinicopathological features: sex, tumour site, age, and tumour size. The heat map depicts the methylation in 354 DMRs, including all fold changes and excluding DMRs present on sex chromosomal regions, in S45F and T41A DTF samples. The cluster tree on top indicates distinct subgroups of DTF samples. Grouping, however, is not based on CTNNB1 mutation type (T41A or S45F) nor on clinicopathological parameters such as sex, tumour site, age, or tumour size. Within both CTNNB1 mutation groups, there appeared to be a considerable heterogeneity in DNA methylation between tumour samples. When considering all 354 DMRs it was noticed that the vast majority displayed relatively small fold changes (<1.5) between the different DTF mutant groups. Only ten DMRs had fold changes ≥1.5. Table 2 lists the chromosomal position of the DMRs with a fold change ≥1.5 including the start and end positions, the observed fold change, the overlapping genes associated with the DMR, the location of the DMR with respect to the gene body and the methylation status in the S45F 4