Carolien Zeetsen

34 Results Participant characteristics and Montreal Cognitive Assessment scores Table 2.1 provides an overview of participant characteristics for the total sample. Table 2.2 presents an overview of the mean MoCA–TS, –DS and –MIS, and a frequency distribution of all item scores, for all three versions. Table 2.1. Participant characteristics, frequency of administration and administration interval of the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA), for the total sample. Total sample ( n = 210) Mean age in years ( SD ) 35.3 (16.4) 18 – 54 years (%) 170 (81.0) 55 – 70 years (%) 40 (19.0) Sex (%) male 78 (37.1) female 132 (62.9) Level of education (%) 2: primary school 1 (0.5) 3: more than primary school, no other diploma’s 6 (2.9) 4: lower secondary education 16 (7.6) 5: average secondary education 120 (57.1) 6: higher secondary education/a university bachelor’s degree 55 (26.2) 7: a university master’s degree/a post–doc degree 12 (5.7) NART–IQ (%; n = 121) 98.1 (11.6) range 67 – 135 MoCA administration (%) 7.1 44 (21.0) 7.1 – 7.2 84 (40.0) 7.2 – 7.1 27 (12.9) 7.1 – 7.3 29 (13.8) 7.3 – 7.1 26 (12.4) Mean administration interval in days ( SD ; n = 166) 22.1 (10.1) range 5 – 65 Note: SD = standard deviation; NART–IQ = National Adult Reading Test – estimated premorbid intelligence.