Carolien Zeetsen

38 Table 2.4. Means and standard deviations ( SD ) for the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) total (MoCA− TS), domain (MoCA−DS), memory index (MoCA−MIS) and item scores for both version 7.1 and alternate version 7.3, and test–retest reliability (intraclass–correlation; ICC) between versions. MoCA 7.1 MoCA 7.3 ICC 95% CI p –value ( n = 29) Mean MoCA–TS 26.97 (2.01) 26.45 (2.25) 0.82 0.62–0.92 < 0.001 Mean MoCA–DS executive functioning 1.79 (0.41) 1.90 (0.31) 0.53 0.03–0.78 0.022 visuospatial abilities 2.93 (1.00) 2.83 (1.00) 0.52 –0.04–0.78 0.031 attention 5.86 (0.35) 5.76 (0.44) 0.38 –0.30–0.71 0.104 language 4.59 (0.63) 4.14 (0.58) 0.44 –0.09–0.73 0.026 abstract reasoning 1.76 (0.44) 1.93 (0.26) –0.29 –1.56–0.38 0.761 memory 4.17 (0.85) 4.00 (1.13) 0.57 0.08–0.80 0.016 orientation 5.86 (0.35) 5.90 (0.31) –0.32 –1.96–0.39 0.761 Mean MoCA–MIS 13.62 (1.50) 13.72 (1.49) 0.48 –0.14–0.76 0.051 Mean item scores a alternating trail making 0.97 (0.19) 0.97 (0.19) 1.00 – – copy figure 0.38 (0.49) 0.41 (0.50) 0.13 –0.93–0.60 0.367 clock drawing 2.55 (0.69) 2.41 (0.73) 0.62 0.20–0.82 0.006 animal naming 2.86 (0.35) 2.97 (0.19) –0.13 –1.33–0.46 0.629 digit span 1.97 (0.19) 1.86 (0.35) 0.54 0.07–0.78 0.016 sustained attention 1.00 (0.00) 0.97 (0.19) 0.00 –1.13–0.53 0.500 serial subtraction 2.90 (0.31) 2.93 (0.26) 0.52 –0.03–0.78 0.030 sentence repetition 1.72 (0.46) 1.17 (0.54) 0.35 –0.20–0.68 0.032 verbal fluency 0.83 (0.38) 0.93 (0.26) 0.35 –0.34–0.69 0.123 Note: a = item scores for abstract reasoning, memory and orientation are not shown, as they are the same as the domain scores.