Carolien Zeetsen

68 Table 4.1. Patient characteristics in the total sample and per primary–problem substance. Post–hoc gives a description of significant differences. Total Alcohol (A) Cannabis (C) ( n = 656) ( n = 391) ( n = 123) Mean age in years ( SD ) 40.4 (13.9) 46.6 (12.6) 28.9 (8.9) Sex (%) male 505 (77) 285 (73) 105 (85) female 151 (33) 106 (27) 18 (15) Health care centre (%) IrisZorg 178 (27) 102 (26) 32 (26) Novadic–Kentron 166 (25) 96 (25) 30 (24) Tactus 141 (22) 97 (25) 20 (16) Vincent van Gogh 171 (26) 96 (25) 41 (33) Level of education (%) low 126 (19) 64 (16) 30 (24) average 421 (64) 242 (62) 78 (63) high 109 (17) 85 (23) 15 (12) Employment (%) employed (full–/part–time) 253 (39) 148 (38) 47 (38) unemployed 229 (35) 112 (29) 51 (42) incapacitated 139 (21) 96 (25) 25 (20) retired 35 (5) 35 (9) 0 (0) Marital status (%) single 269 (41) 118 (30) 76 (62) with partner 256 (39) 168 (43) 37 (30) separated/divorced 119 (18) 95 (24) 10 (8) widowed 12 (2) 10 (3) 0 (0) Years of regular use* ( n = 381) ( n = 229) ( n = 65) mean no. years ( SD ) 14.01 (11.54) 15.78 (12.93) 13.26 (8.33) Polysubstance use* (%) ( n = 432) ( n = 247) ( n = 71) no 133 (31) 125 (51) 5 (7) yes 299 (69) 122 (49) 66 (93) Abstinence** (%) no (< 7 days) 474 (72) 275 (70) 107 (87) yes (7–41 days) 128 (20) 83 (21) 8 (7) yes (≥ 42 days) 54 (8) 33 (8) 8 (7)