Carolien Zeetsen

82 The Centre of Excellence for Korsakoff and Alcohol–Related Cognitive Impairments consist of two separate treatment wards for patients with either ARCI or KS. As patients with AUD–only have no cognitive impairments (after having completed neuropsychological assessment), they are discharged or referred to outpatient aftercare soon after completing the diagnostic process. For the other two groups (ARCI and KS), treatment focuses on reaching the highest level of autonomy in activities of daily living. When treatment is completed, they are also discharged, in most cases to their homes with outpatient aftercare (mostly patients with ARCI), or placed in a long–term residence or sheltered living facility (mostly patients with KS). As these long–term aftercare options have a limited capacity and often have waiting lists, this contributes to a longer stay duration in the patient group who cannot return home. Materials Montreal Cognitive Assessment The MoCA (Nasreddine et al., 2005) consists of 12 items. Scores on all items add up to the MoCA Total Score (MoCA–TS) with a maximum of 30 points, where a higher score represents better cognitive performance. An adjustment for level of education is applied in which participants with a low level of education are awarded two extra points and participants with an average level of education are awarded one extra point, maintaining the maximum score of 30 (Bruijnen, Jansen, et al., 2019). Seven Domain Scores (MoCA–DS) were calculated: executive functioning (alternating trail making and verbal fluency; 0–2 points), visuospatial abilities (figure copy and clock drawing; 0–4 points), attention, concentration and working memory (digit span, sustained attention and serial subtraction; 0–6 points), language (animal naming and sentence repetition; 0–5 points), abstract reasoning (0–2 points), memory (0–5 points) and orientation (0–6 points). Finally, the Memory Index Score (MoCA–MIS) was calculated separately, in which freely recalled words receive three points, words recalled after a category cue receive two points (cued recall), and correct identification after a multiple–choice cue (recognition) receives one point, with a maximum of 15 points (Julayanont et al., 2014). All three authorized and validated parallel versions of the Dutch MoCA were used in this study (Costa et al., 2012; Nasreddine et al., 2016; Bruijnen et al., 2020). Administration of the MoCA takes approximately 15 minutes and scoring can mostly be done during administration.