Carolien Zeetsen

92 Table 5.2. Means and standard deviations ( SD ) of the Montreal Cognitive Assessment Domain Scores (MoCA–DS) on all three assessment points for the total sample and split per group. Post–hoc gives a description of the direction of significant differences between groups (column), between assessments (row) and the interaction between groups and assessments (in italics). Cognitive domain (range) Total AUD ( n = 166) ( n = 35) Executive functioning (0–2) T0 0.66 (0.69) 0.77 (0.73) T1 1.02 (0.68) 1.17 (0.71) T2 1.18 (0.74) 1.43 (0.66) p –value (post–hoc) < .001*** (T0 < T1; T0 < T2; T1 < T2††) Visuospatial abilities (0–4) T0 1.97 (1.04) 2.20 (1.05) T1 2.39 (1.07) 2.63 (0.91) T2 2.40 (0.98) 2.74 (0.74) p –value (post–hoc) < .001*** (T0 < T1;T0 < T2††) Attention (0–6) T0 5.00 (1.24) 5.29 (0.99) T1 5.17 (1.12) 5.31 (1.02) T2 5.32 (1.01) 5.51 (0.82) p –value (post–hoc) .005*††† (T0 < T2††) Language (0–5) T0 4.07 (0.89) 4.23 (0.77) T1 3.36 (1.01) 3.51 (1.17) T2 3.51 (0.64) 3.51 (0.66) p –value (post–hoc) < .001***††† (T0 > T1; T0 > T2††) Abstract reasoning (0–2) T0 1.15 (0.78) 1.20 (0.80) T1 1.29 (0.75) 1.37 (0.69) T2 1.66 (0.57) 1.57 (0.66) p –value (post–hoc) < .001***††† (T0 < T2; T1 < T2††) Memory (0–5) T0 1.37 (1.57) 2.37 (1.82) T1 1.66 (1.74) 3.37 (1.48) T2 1.87 (1.77) 3.23 (1.61) p –value (post–hoc) .001**††† (T0 < T1; T0 < T2††)