Els van de Vijver

57 Supplementary file 2: Diagnostic accuracy measures of the calprotectin and calgranulin-C test to diagnose IBD in children using predefined thresholds (respectively 50 µg/g and 0.75 µg/g) and optimal thresholds (respectively 400 µg/g and 0.75 µg/g). Estimates calculated with the Bayesian statistical method are shown with the 95% credible interval Patient spectrum Diagnostic accuracy characteristics Calprotectin (50 µg/g) Calgranulin-C (0.75 µg/g) Calprotectine (400 µg/g) High risk for IBD (endoscopic verification) Sensitivity 97.4 (94.1-99.1) 81.7 (73.1-88.7) 92.0 (85.5-96.3) Specificity 69.9 (62.2-77.1) 96.4 (93.4-98.3) 96.6 (93.6-98.5) Negative predictive value 97.2 (93.7-99.0) 92.2 (88.1-95.3) 96.3 (93.1-98.3) Positive predictive value 71.6 (63.2-79.0) 91.0 (83.7-95.6) 92.7 (86.2-96.6) Low risk for IBD (verification by follow up) Sensitivity 88.7 (83.8-92.5) 74.8 (65.2-82.7) 79.2 (71.2-85.7) Specificity 65.3 (56.5-73.8) 93.3 (87.9-97.0) 93.1 (87.1-97.1) Negative predictive value 87.2 (82.2-91.3) 89.4 (84.9-92.8) 89.7 (85.6-93.0) Positive predictive value 68.5 (57.5-77.8) 83.3 (69.5-92.7) 85.5 (72.4-94.1) Complete cohort (verification with either reference test) Sensitivity 99.5 (97.2-100) 96.8 (87.1-99.9) 98.7 (93.8-100) Specificity 71.3 (63.3-79.0) 97.3 (94.1-99.4) 97.7 (94.5-99.7) Negative predictive value 99.4 (97.0-100) 98.8 (94.9-100) 99.4 (97.2-100) Positive predictive value 72.7 (63.8-81.0) 92.7 (84.6-98.4) 94.8 (87.8-99.3) Head-to-head comparison Calgranulin C and Calprotectin 57