Els van de Vijver

80 MATERIALS AND METHODS Identification and selection of studies We searched for studies published in Medline and EMBASE up to May 2017. The search strategy for Medline was as follows: (“fatigue” [MeSH Terms] OR “fatigue” [All Fields]) AND (“inflammatory bowel diseases”[MeSH Terms] OR (“inflammatory” [All Fields] AND “bowel” [All Fields] AND “disease” [All Fields] OR “inflammatory bowel disease” [All Fields]); (“physical examination” [MeSH Terms] OR (“physical” [All Fields] AND “examination”[All Fields]) OR “physical examination” [All Fields] OR “physical” [All Fields]) AND impairment [All Fields]) AND ("inflammatory bowel diseases"[MeSH Terms] OR ("inflammatory"[All Fields] AND "bowel"[All Fields] AND "diseases"[All Fields]) OR "inflammatory bowel diseases"[All Fields] OR ("inflammatory"[All Fields] AND "bowel"[All Fields] AND "disease"[All Fields]) OR "inflammatory bowel disease"[All Fields]) , with the filter “child” (age 0-18 years). For EMBASE, the search strategy was as follows: (“fatigue”/exp OR fatigue) AND Inflammatory AND (“bowel”/exp OR bowel) AND (“disease”/exp OR disease). We restricted our search to studies published in English. Duplicate articles identified in both Medline and EMBASE were manually deleted in End Note. To identify additional relevant studies, we checked the reference lists of the selected articles. We selected cross-sectional or case-control studies reporting on fatigue (or its synonyms) in patients under the age of 19 years with IBD. Two reviewers (AvG and EVdV) independently screened the abstracts of all identified articles to determine their eligibility. Any disagreements regarding the inclusion of articles were solved by discussion until consensus was reached. Quality assessment and data extraction Study quality was assessed using the online criteria for case-control and cross-sectional studies.(36) Each item was scored as “yes”, “no”, or “not reported”. The guidelines of the PRISMA 2009 Statement were adopted. Chapter 5 80