Els van de Vijver

81 RESULTS Study Selection This study includes papers retrieved by electronic searches up to May 2017. In total, 149 papers were identified, of which 19 were retrieved for full-text review. Eleven were subsequently excluded because fatigue was not evaluated as an outcome measure. Eight focused on the desired topic and were discussed in the final analysis ( Fig 1 ). Figure 1 I Study selection The selected studies varied considerably with regard to the fatigue assessment method, which made pooling of data impossible (see Table 1 ). Full-text articles assessedforeligibility (n =19) Studies included in qualitative synthesis (n = 8) Full-text articles excluded, because fatigue was not an outcome measure. (n =11) Records excluded (n = 130) Papers screened on title and abstract Screening Identification Included Eligibility Papers identified through database searching ( Pubmed, Embase) (n =197) Additional papers identified through reference list of identified trials (n = 10) Systematic review: fatigue 81