Els van de Vijver

88 PedsQL Multidimensional Fatigue Scale Paediatric Quality of Life Inventory Multidimensional Fatigue Scale Age-appropriate versions and parallel forms for children and parents. It measures the perceptions of fatigue by children and their parents and has been validated in a variety of paediatric chronic diseases. RCMAS Revised Children’s Manifest Anxiety scale Adolescent self-reported assessment that is a true/false anxiety measure containing 28 items. The measured key areas are physiological anxiety, worry, social anxiety and defensiveness. The scale differentiates between anxiety-disordered and normal children. SSR Sleep Self Report Adolescent self-reported assessment to discern sleep patterns and possible difficulties with sleep. TACQOL TNO-AZL Children’s Quality of life Questionnaire Generic health-related quality of life questionnaire enabling comparisons between groups of children with varying chronic diseases. It includes 7 scales, involving general physical function, motor function, daily function, cognitive function, social contact, and positive and negative moods. YSR Youth Self Report Adolescent self-reported assessment with the following eight empirically-based syndrome scales: anxious/depressed, withdrawn/depressed and somatic complaints composing the internalizing (i.e., emotional) broad-band scale; rule-breaking behavior and aggressive behavior composing the externalizing (i.e., behavioral) broad-band scale; and these two scales, together with the syndrome scales of social, thought and attention problems, compose the total problems scale. Chapter 5 88