Adriëtte Oostvogels

4 119 Maternal lipids and offspring’s lipids & glucose Response (n=1133) Non-response (n=2124) a N/ mean %/SD N/ mean %/SD Significance b Maternal characteristics Age (years) 32.3 4.2 30.4 4.9 p<0.001 Body mass index (kg/m 2 ) 22.9 3.6 22.8 3.7 p=0.734 Ethnicity p<0.001 Dutch 823 72.6 1257 59.2 Turkish 24 2.1 102 4.8 Moroccan 45 4.0 160 7.5 Non-western 96 8.5 346 16.3 Western 145 12.8 257 12.1 Education (years after primary school) 10.3 3.5 9.0 3.8 p<0.001 Parity (Primiparous) 631 55.7 1263 59.5 p=0.040 Hypertension p=0.818 none 1004 88.6 1868 87.9 pre-existent 32 2.8 60 2.8 pregnancy-induced 97 8.6 196 9.2 Alcohol consumption (Yes) 351 31.0 495 23.3 p<0.001 Smoking (Yes) 86 7.6 225 10.6 p=0.006 TC (mmol/L) c 5.06 0.82 5.08 0.89 p=0.536 ApoA1 (g/L) c 1.59 0.22 1.59 0.23 p=0.516 ApoB (g/L) c 0.75 0.17 0.76 0.18 p=0.239 TG (mmol/L) c 1.36 0.51 1.38 0.54 p=0.405 FFA (mmol/L) c 0.31 0.16 0.32 0.17 p=0.167 Offspring’s characteristics Sex (Boys) 560 49.4 1021 48.1 p=0.462 Gestational age at birth (days) 279.8 10.8 279.4 10.6 p=0.340 SDS birth weight 1.03 0.13 1.01 0.13 p<0.001 Breastfeeding: p<0.001 < 1 month 247 22.0 512 26.9 1-3 months 283 25.2 587 30.8 ≥ 3 months 594 52.8 804 42.3 Supplementary Table 1. Maternal and offspring’s characteristics of the participants in the present study (response group) compared with the non-response group (total n=3257). SD, standard deviation; TC, total cholesterol; ApoA1, apolipoprotein A1; ApoB, apolipoprotein B; TG, triglycerides; FFA, free fatty acids; SDS, standard deviation score. a) Non-response= children approached for the health check and met the inclusion criteria, but excluded due to non-response, non-fasting blood levels or no fat percentage available. b) Comparisons were made with independent sample t-tests or Mann Whitney (non-parametric) tests for continuous data and chi-square for categorical data. c) Standardized for gestational age at blood sampling