Adriëtte Oostvogels

20 Chapter 1 Outline Table 1 summarises determinants and outcomes covered in each chapter. Chapter 1 describes the background of this research and the methods used to answer the research questions. In Part 1 the consequences of maternal pBMI on metabolic markers and cardiometabolic profile in childhood are described: Chapter 2 describes the association of maternal pBMI and early pregnancy lipid profile with blood pressure course during pregnancy. Moreover, the possible mediating or moderating role of early pregnancy lipid profile in the association between pBMI and blood pressure course will be studied. Chapter 3 describes the association between maternal pBMI and offspring’s adiposity at age 5-6 years (BMI / waist-height-ratio / body fat percentage) and whether this association is mediated by maternal early pregnancy lipid profile. Chapter 4 describes the association between maternal early pregnancy lipid profile and offspring’s lipids and glycaemic control and investigates whether these associations are mediated by offspring’s body fat percentage. Possible sex differences in these associations are also examined. Chapter 5 describes differences in body composition and glucose metabolism in 5-6 year-old children with no, maternal, paternal or both maternal and paternal family history of diabetes in second-degree relatives. In Part 2 the consequences of maternal pBMI on postnatal growth and cardiometabolic profile in childhood are described: Chapter 6 answers the questions whether and when growth patterns of offspring (0-7 years) vary by maternal prepregnancy weight category (normal weight, overweight and obesity). Chapter 7 assesses the association of maternal pBMI and offspring’s postnatal growth with cardiometabolic profile at age 5-6 years. Moreover, the possible mediating or moderating role of postnatal growth in the association between pBMI and cardiometabolic profile will be studied. Chapter 8 describes ethnic and socioeconomic differences in growth patterns leading to overweight at age 5-6 years. Chapter 9 summarises the main findings of the chapters described above, discusses the methodological considerations of this thesis, reflects on the main findings, discusses their relevance for public health practice, and presents suggestions for future research.