Adriëtte Oostvogels

Publications included in this thesis: Oostvogels AJJM , Hof MHP, Stronks K, Roseboom TJ, Vrijkotte TGM. Growth patterns from birth to normal weight or overweight at age 5-6 years of children with different socioeconomic and ethnic backgrounds: the ABCD-study. Submitted Oostvogels AJJM* , Hof MHP*, Gademan MGJ, Stronks K, Vrijkotte TGM. Does maternal pre-pregnancy BMI program offspring’s growth patterns from birth up to 7 years: the ABCD-study . Early Hum Dev. 2017 Oostvogels AJJM , Busschers WB, Spierings E, Roseboom TJ, Gademan MGJ, Vrijkotte TGM. Pre-pregnancy BMI, early preganncy lipid profile and blood pressure course during pregnancy: the ABCD-study. PLoS One. 2017 Oostvogels AJJM , Landstra CP, Britsemmer L, Lodewijkx R, Stronks K, Roseboom TJ, Vrijkotte TGM. Maternal and paternal family history of diabetes in second degree relatives and metabolic outcomes at age 5-6 years: the ABCD-study . Diabetes Metab. 2017 Van Lieshout N*, Oostvogels AJJM* , Gademan MGJ, Stronks K, Vrijkotte TGM. The influence of maternal lipid profile during early pregnancy on offspring’s lipid profile and glycaemic control at the age of 5-6 years: the ABCD-study. Clin Nutr. 2016 Oostvogels AJJM , Stronks K, Roseboom TJ, van der Post JA, van Eijsden M, Vrijkotte TGM. Maternal Prepregnancy BMI, Offspring’s Early Postnatal Growth, and Metabolic Profile at Age 5-6 Years: the ABCD Study. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2014 Gademan MGJ*, Vermeulen M*, Oostvogels AJJM , Roseboom TJ, Visscher TL, van Eijsden M, Twickler MT, Vrijkotte TGM. Maternal prepregancy BMI and lipid profile during early pregnancy are independently associated with offspring’s body composition at age 5-6 years: the ABCD study. PLoS One. 2014 * both authors contributed equally to the work 274