Adriëtte Oostvogels

Contents Chapter 1 General Introduction 8 Part 1: Consequences of maternal prepregnancy BMI onmetabolic markers inmothers and cardiometabolic profile in childhood Chapter 2 Prepregnancy weight status, early pregnancy lipid profile and blood pressure course during pregnancy 34 Chapter 3 Maternal prepregnancy BMI, early pregnancy lipid profile and offspring’s body composition in childhood 76 Chapter 4 Maternal early pregnancy lipid profile and offspring’s lipids and glycaemic control in childhood 100 Chapter 5 Maternal and paternal family history of diabetes in second-degree relatives and metabolic outcomes in childhood 122 Part 2: Consequences of maternal prepregnancy BMI on postnatal growth and cardiometabolic profile in childhood Chapter 6 Maternal prepregnancy BMI, early postnatal growth and offspring’s metabolic profile in childhood 148 Chapter 7 Prepregnancy weight status and offspring’s growth patterns from birth up to 7 years 176 Chapter 8 Ethnic and socioeconomic inequalities in growth to childhood overweight 198 Chapter 9 General Discussion 220 Summary 246 Samenvatting 252 Dankwoord 260 About the author 266 PhD Portfolio 270