Enrico Martin

104 Chapter 5 Supplementary File 1 Survey Outline o Only one box can be selected § Multiple boxes can be selected … Free text General introduction Thank you for participating in this questionnaire about the treatment of malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors. Please keep in mind that the questions regard your personal opinion on optimal treatment of localized disease. 1) Select your surgical subspecialty o Oncologic Surgery o Neurosurgery o Plastic Surgery o Orthopedics (other than oncologic surgery) o General Surgery (other than oncologic surgery) o ENT o Maxillofacial o Thoracic Surgery 2) Select your country of practice o Dropdown list of all countries 3) How many years ago did you finish your surgical training? Please provide your answer in full years ... 4) Are you subspecialized in peripheral nerve surgery? o Yes o No 5) Are you a fellowship trained: Multiple answers can be selected § Peripheral nerve surgeon § Sarcoma surgeon § Other or none 6) On average, how many MPNST cases do you operate annually? o 0-1 o 2-3 o 3-5 o >5