Enrico Martin

106 Chapter 5 d) Microscopic margin e) Macroscopic margin f) In principle, we always use radiotherapy 12) What is your preferred sequence of radiotherapy when used? o Neoadjuvant o Adjuvant o No preference o We never use radiation in localized disease 13) When deciding the use of systemic chemotherapy in localized disease, which of the following patient or tumor characteristics would prompt you to use systemic chemotherapy? a) Primary tumor size 5-10 cm b) Primary tumor size >10 cm c) Age <50 years d) Microscopic margin e) Macroscopic margin f) In principle, we always use chemotherapy 14) What is your preferred sequence of chemotherapy in localized MPNSTs when used? o Neoadjuvant o Adjuvant o No preference o We never use systemic chemotherapy in localized disease 15) What is the most common non-oncologic postoperative complication after MPNST surgery? o Neuropathic pain, dysesthesia, allodynia, or cold intolerance o Motor disability o Sensory deficiency o A combination of neuropathic pain and neurologic deficit o None of the above 16) In your clinic, how often does a patient present with a functional motor deficit postoperatively? … % 17) In your clinic, how often does a patient present with neuropathic pain postoperatively? … %