Enrico Martin

107 Oncological treatment considerations 18) Do you always consider preservation of function preoperatively? If ‘sometimes’, please explain briefly. o Yes o No, oncologic resection is always more important o Sometimes: … 19) Given that oncological resection of some MPNSTs can cause large functional deficits, are there cases that you resect less of the tumor in order to preserve functionality? o Yes, sometimes o Yes, but only when free margins are not presumed possible o No, never 20) Do you operate MPNSTs together with a peripheral nerve surgeon? o Yes o No o Sometimes 21) Do you use intraoperative nerve conduction testing when operating MPNSTs? o Yes o No o Sometimes 22) Intraoperatively, do you always search for the nerve fromwhich the MPNST originated? If ‘no’, please explain briefly. o Yes o No: … o Sometimes 23) What is your preferred treatment of the transected nerve? If ‘other’, please explain briefly. o Nothing o Bury in bone/muscle/vein o Closure end with adhesive or epineural graft o Neurorrhaphy o Targeted Muscle Reinnervation o Other: … 24) Do you perform functional reconstruction (i.e. muscle/nerve/tendon reconstructions) if a motor deficit is anticipated? 5