Enrico Martin

108 Chapter 5 o Never o Generally not o Sometimes o Always 25) Do you consider functional reconstruction (i.e. nerve reconstruction or innervated skin flap) if a sensory deficit is anticipated? o Never o Generally not o Sometimes o Always 26) What is your preferred timing of functional reconstruction after initial surgery? o Direct regardless of radiotherapy o Direct if no postoperative radiotherapy will administered, otherwise after radiotherapy o Delay of 3 months o Delay of 6-12 months o I do not consider MPNST patients eligible for functional reconstruction 27) What functional reconstructions do you consider as a possibility? Multiple answers can be selected. § None § Nerve reconstruction § Nerve transfer § Tendon transfer § Free functional muscle transfer § Do not know 28) In case ANY form of functional deficit is present (i.e. loss of sensibility or any motor function loss), select factors that would prevent you from considering functional reconstruction in a patient. Multiple answers can be selected. § The general low survival of MPNSTs § A non-extremity MPNST § Use of radiotherapy § Slow nerve regeneration § Slow rehabilitation of function § The nerve(s) from which an MPNST originated are ‘sick’ and cannot be used § Other (provide answers in text field below) § None