Enrico Martin

162 Chapter 7 immunotherapy and oncolytic viruses, or other targets. Data extracted from clinical trials included: study design, number of patients, age of population, treatment regimen, and treatment effect on response rate, PFS, and OS. Study phase, country, intervention, anticipated accrual, and end date were extracted from registered unpublished trials. Qualitative synthesis was performed summarizing data from preclinical and clinical studies according to target pathway, immunotherapy and oncolytic viruses, and a rest group. Figure 1 Flowchart Depicting Study Selection Records identified through database searching (n = 2131) Screening Included Eligibility Identification Additional records identified through additional sources (n = 10) Records after duplicates removed (n = 1869) Records screened on title and abstract (n = 1869) Records excluded (n = 1735) Full text articles assessed for eligibility (n = 134) Full-text articles excluded, with reasons (n = 68) - No drug therapy tested (26) - In vitro study (11) - Cytotoxic drugs tested (7) - No MPNST specific data (6) - Retrospective study (6) - Single MPNST case (5) - No outcome measure of interest (5) - Review (2) Preclinical in vivo studies (n = 60) Trials (n = 6) Figure 1 Flowchart depicting study selection Results Following removal of duplicates, a total of 1938 articles and registered trials were identified in PubMed and Embase databases. Title/abstract screening resulted in selection of 203 potentially relevant articles, of which sixty-six were selected for qualitative synthesis after full-text screening ( Figure 1 ). A total of sixty preclinical in