Enrico Martin

206 Chapter 8 Supplemental Table 1 Search syntax for PubMed and Embase databases PubMed search: 26-6-2018 (Reconstruction[tiab] OR flap*[tiab] OR neurotization[tiab] OR nerve graft[tiab] OR nerve crossover[tiab] OR limb salvage[tiab] OR ((muscle[tiab] OR nerve[tiab] OR tendon[tiab]) AND (transfer[tiab] OR reconstruction[tiab] OR transplantation[tiab])) OR Free Tissue Flaps[MeSH Terms] OR Tendon transfer[MeSH Terms] OR Nerve Transfer[MeSH Terms] OR Limb Salvage[MeSH Terms]) AND ((Sarcoma[tiab] OR soft tissue neoplasm[tiab] OR soft tissue cancer[tiab] OR tendinous tissue neoplasm[tiab] OR tendinous tissue cancer[tiab]) OR Sarcoma[MeSH Terms] OR Soft Tissue Neoplasm[MeSH Terms])) AND (Extremity[tiab] OR extremities[tiab] OR limb[tiab] OR limbs[tiab] OR plexus[tiab] OR shoulder[tiab] OR shoulders[tiab] OR arm[tiab] OR arms[tiab] OR hand[tiab] OR hands[tiab] OR finger[tiab] OR fingers[tiab] OR digit[tiab] OR digits[tiab] OR thumb[tiab] OR thumbs[tiab] OR hip[tiab] OR hips[tiab] OR leg[tiab] OR legs[tiab] OR ankle[tiab] OR ankles[tiab] OR foot[tiab] OR feet[tiab] OR toe[tiab] OR toes[tiab]) Embase search: 26-6-2018 (Reconstruction:ti,ab OR flap*:ti,ab OR neurotization:ti,ab OR nerve graft:ti,ab OR nerve crossover:ti,ab OR limb salvage:ti,ab OR ((muscle:ti,ab OR nerve:ti,ab OR tendon:ti,ab) AND (transfer:ti,ab OR reconstruction:ti,ab OR transplantation:ti,ab)) OR ‘free tissue graft’/exp OR ‘tendon transfer’/exp OR ‘tendon transplantation’/exp OR ‘nerve transplantation’/exp OR ‘limb salvage’/exp) AND (Sarcoma:ti,ab OR soft tissue neoplasm:ti,ab OR soft tissue cancer:ti,ab OR tendinous tissue neoplasm:ti,ab OR tendinous tissue cancer:ti,ab OR ‘sarcoma’/exp OR ‘soft tissue cancer’/exp) AND (Extremity:ti,ab OR extremities:ti,ab OR limb:ti,ab OR limbs:ti,ab OR plexus:ti,ab OR shoulder:ti,ab OR shoulders:ti,ab OR arm:ti,ab OR arms:ti,ab OR hand:ti,ab OR hands:ti,ab OR finger:ti,ab OR fingers:ti,ab OR digit:ti,ab OR digits:ti,ab OR thumb:ti,ab OR thumbs:ti,ab OR hip:ti,ab OR hips:ti,ab OR leg:ti,ab OR legs:ti,ab OR ankle:ti,ab OR ankles:ti,ab OR foot:ti,ab OR feet:ti,ab OR toe:ti,ab OR toes:ti,ab) AND ([article]/lim) AND ([Embase]/lim)