Enrico Martin

214 Chapter 9 Figure 1 Flowchart Depicting Study Selection Records identified through database searching (n = 3680) Screening Included Eligibility Identification Records identified through additional sources (n = 3) Records after duplicates removed (n = 2894) Records screened on title and abstract (n = 2894) Records excluded (n = 2156) Full text articles assessed for eligibility (n = 738) Full-text articles excluded, with reasons (n = 719) - No full text (146) - Language other than English, Dutch, French, or German (2) - No nerve reconstruction (565) - No functional outcome measure (6) Articles included (n = 19) Figure 1 Flowchart depicting study selection Results After removal of duplicates, a total of 2894 citations were identified in PubMed and Embase databases. Potentially relevant articles were selected through title/abstract screening, of which 19 studies remained for qualitative synthesis after full-text screening ( Figure 1 ). A total of 26 patients were described ( Table 1 and 2 ). Nerve reconstructions were most commonly performed after upper extremity STS resections (65%). Two thirds of all patients received any modality of radiotherapy (14/21) and chemotherapy was administered in six patients. Four patients did not receive any (neo)adjuvant therapies. Brachial plexus Two different studies evaluated reconstructions of the brachial plexus in two patients ( Table 1 ). 30,31 Both nerve transfers and nerve grafts were used. The first case described