Enrico Martin

216 Chapter 9 Table 1 Functional outcomes reconstructions upper extremity. Study, year Reconstruction Histology type Functional outcome a Adjuvant therapy & FU (months) Objective measures Subjective measures Strength ROM Sensation MSTS DASH VAS Brachial plexus Spiliopoulos 2011 C5 to ADUT with SN grafts + SAN transfer to SSN + triceps branch transfer to AN MPNST Shoulder abduction: M4 Elbow flexion: M5 Elbow extension: M5 40° abduction C5 & C6: S2 nRTx; 20 Tan 2003 GF + C5 & C7 to RN with UN graft + C5 to MN with SN graft + IN to MCN Fibrosarcoma Paralysis aCTx; 144 Median nerve Fujii 2009 Tendon transfers + RSN transfer to MN Epithelioid sarcoma 50% grasp power of contralateral hand 50% of contra- lateral hand 22.5 nCTx & aCTx; 42 Koshima 2003 ALT + FN graft for MN + UN graft to forearm flexors Rhabdomyosarcoma MN: S3+ NA ; 30 Koulaxouzidis 2016 MN to ON branch of GF + tendon transfer + SN grafts for sensation Epithelioid sarcoma Full finger flexion MN: Protective nRTx; 60 Rinehart 1989 RAF + SN graft for MN Synovial sarcoma Full finger flexion/ extension D1-3: S3+ D4-5: S4 and S3+ NA ; 8