Enrico Martin

221 Nerve reconstructions in extremity STS Table 2 Continued. Study, yea r Reconstruction Histology type Functional outcome a Adjuvant therapy & FU (months) Objective measures Subjective measures Strength ROM UAD Sensation MSTS Tokumoto 2018 SN grafts for SCN MPNST Knee flexion/ extension: M4/M4 Dorsiflexion/plantar flexion: M1/M1 Slight protective (plantar surface of foot) NA ; 24 Peroneal nerve Deune 2001 GF + anterior branch ON graft for deep PN Sarcoma, indeterminate type Full weight-bearing Full (ankle & great toe extension) None Protective (1 st web space) NA ; 7 Tibial nerve Nishio 2012 ALT & fascia lata + SN graft for TN Myxoid liposarcoma 97% None; 84 a = MSTS: musculoskeletal tumor society scale (0-30 points, higher score correlates to higher function), ROM: range of motion (degrees), Sensation: when possible medical research council sensory grade (S0-S5), Strength: when possible medical research council muscle grade / manual muscle testing (0-5), UAD: use of ambulatory device; b = Died of disease. aCTx = adjuvant chemotherapy; ALT = anterolateral thigh flap; aRTx = adjuvant radiotherapy; cm = centimeters; FU = follow-up in months; GF = gracilis flap; M = Medical Research Council muscle grade; MPNST = malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumour; MSTS = musculoskeletal tumor society (score); NA = not available; nCTx = neoadjuvant chemotherapy; nRTx = neoadjuvant radiotherapy; ON = obturator nerve; PN = peroneal nerve; ROM = range of motion; SCN = sciatic nerve; SN = sural nerve; TN = tibial nerve; UAD = use of ambulatory devices 9