Enrico Martin

321 CURRICULUM VITAE Enrico Martin was born on the 8 th of January 1995 in Leiderdorp, the Netherlands, son of Didier Martin and Nathalie Martin. He grew up with one younger brother, Raoul. After graduating cum laude from his high school the Rijnlands Lyceum in Oegstgeest he started his study in Medicine at the University of Utrecht in 2012. At the end of his Bachelor’s degree in 2015 he got involved in research at the Department of Neurosurgery. He quickly gained interest in peripheral nerve surgery as it combined his fascination for complex anatomy and an underexplored field of plastic surgery and neurosurgery. In 2017 he went abroad for 4 months to do research at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston under the supervision of dr. T.R. Smith and dr. M.L.D. Broekman. He joined the Computational Neurosurgical Outcomes Center and started several studies with a main focus on peripheral nerve diseases. Upon his return, prof. dr. J.H. Coert provided him with the opportunity to start a PhD program on the treatment of malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors (MPNSTs) at the Department of Plastic, Reconstructive, and Hand Surgery of the University Medical Center Utrecht (UMCU). Among others, he initiated an international multicenter collaboration, the M PNST ON cological A nd C linical O utcome Consortium (MONACO). He did most of his PhD alongside his clinical rotations under the supervision of prof. dr. J.H. Coert, prof. dr. C. Verhoef, prof. dr. M.A.J. van de Sande, and dr. W.J. van Houdt. After obtaining his Medical Degree cum laude he finished his PhD thesis and extended his research in the field of MPNSTs for almost a year at the Erasmus Medical Center in Rotterdam under the supervision of prof. dr. C. Verhoef. During this time he started new collaborations to elaborate on ideal diagnostics and tumor biology of MPNSTs. That same year his research was awarded at the annual European Association of Neurosurgical Societies meeting and American Society for Peripheral Nerve meeting. In August 2020 he started as a resident not in training (ANIOS) at the Department of Plastic, Reconstructive, and Hand Surgery of the UMCU under the supervision of dr. A.H. Schuurman to continue his ambitions of becoming a plastic surgeon. Enrico currently lives in Amsterdam. A