Klaske van Sluis

134 8.3. Methods Table 8.1: Participants included in the study Pt Indication total laryn- gectomy (TL) Age at TL Current age ??? Type of speech Intelli- gibility Diet Tube feed- ing Highest ed- ucation Working Before TL / at time of interview 1 Salvage 67 68 Y TES Good Oral intake, avoid spe- cific food, nutritional support N Secondary education No/No 2 Dysfunctional larynx 71 74 Y TES Poor Oral intake, soft diet Y University No/No 3 Salvage 54 67 Y TES Good Oral intake, normal diet N Higher voca- tional educa- tion Yes/No 4 Primary 47 65 N TES Good Oral intake, avoid specific food N Higher voca- tional educa- tion Yes/Yes 5 Dysfunctional larynx 69 74 Y TES Good Oral intake, avoid specific food N Vocational education No/No 6 Dysfunctional larynx 52 76 Y TES Good Oral intake, avoid specific food N Lower educa- tion Yes/No 7 Salvage 29 60 Y TES Good Oral intake, normal diet N Secondary education Yes/Yes 8 Primary 47 62 N* TES Good Oral intake, normal diet N Vocational education Yes/Yes Abbreviatons: TL = total laryngectomy, TES = tracheo-esophageal speech ∗ Participant has been married during and after the period of TL, but is widow since one year