Klaske van Sluis

Objective and subjective voice outcomes: a systematic review 25 4998 records identified through database searching PubMed n = 1,397 Embase n = 1,533 Scopus n = 2,109 PsycInfo n = 105 Screening Included Eligibility Identification Records after duplicates removed n = 2,405 Records after title and abstract screening n = 70 Records excluded n = 2,335 Full-text articles included after eligibility assessment n = 26 Full-text articles excluded, with reasons: - No full text version available n = 3 - Conference paper n = 2 - Low score on relevance and bias assessment. E.g. not a clinical study. Population is not TL. No intervention/ comparator of interest. No outcomes of interest. n = 39 Full-text articles included after eligibility assessment n = 2 Studies included in qualitative synthesis n = 26 duplicates removed n = 2,739 Reference checking. Records screened n = 14 Double publication excluded n = 2 Figure 2.1: Flow diagram of study inclusion.