Klaske van Sluis

Author Contributions 3 Chapter 5 van Sluis, K.E., van den Brekel, M.W.M., Hilgers, F.J.M., van Son, R.J.J.H. "Long-term stability of tracheoesophageal voices." Proceedings of Interspeech 2016, San Francisco : 102-106, 2016. Study concepts and design KvS, RvS, FH Data acquisition KvS, RvS Data analysis and interpretation KvS, RvS, FH, MvdB Statistical analysis KvS, RvS Manuscript preparation KvS, RvS Manuscript editing and review KvS, RvS, FH, MvdB Chapter 6 Leemans, M, van Sluis, K.E., van Son, R.J.J.H., van den Brekel, M.W.M. "In- teraction of functional and participation issues on quality of life after total laryngectomy." Laryngoscope Investigative Otolaryngology 5,3: 453-460, 2020. Study concepts and design KvS, ML, RvS, MvdB Data acquisition KvS, ML, RvS Data analysis and interpretation KvS, ML, RvS Statistical analysis KvS, ML, RvS Manuscript preparation KvS, ML Manuscript editing and review KvS, ML, RvS, MvdB ML and KvS contributed equally to this chapter Chapter 7 van Sluis, K.E., Kornman, A.F., Groen, W.G., van den Brekel, M.W.M., van der Molen, L., Hoffman-Ruddy, B., Stuiver, M.M. "Expiratory muscle strength training in patients after total laryngectomy; a feasibility pilot study.: Annals of Otology, Rhinology & Laryngology , epub ahead of print, 2020. Study concepts and design KvS, AK, FH, BH, WG, LvdM, MS, MvdB Data acquisition KvS, AK, WG, LvdM Data analysis and interpretation KvS, AK, MS, WG Statistical analysis KvS, AK, MS Manuscript preparation KvS, AK Manuscript editing and review KvS, AK, BH, WG, LvdM, MS, MvdB AK and KvS contributed equally to this chapter