Annelotte van Bommel

123 Information provision of immediate breast reconstruction Table 1. Patient, tumor, treatment, and hospital characteristics. IBR No IBR Item (n=229) % (n=281) % P-value* Patient characteristics Age in years (at diagnosis) <40 31 14% 9 3% <0.001 40-59 163 71% 118 42% 60+ 35 15% 154 55% Highest completed education a,b Secondary school intermediate level or less 60 26% 135 48% <0.001 Medium vocational training (MBO), secondary school high level 81 36% 77 28% Higher vocational training (HBO)/ university 87 38% 68 24% Marital status b Married/living together 180 79% 202 72% 0.082 Divorced/partner deceased 49 21% 79 28% Socio-economic status (SES) c Low 58 25% 105 37% 0.014 Medium 93 41% 99 35% High 77 34% 78 28% Comorbidities b Yes 61 27% 102 36% 0.020 BMI a,b,d Healthy weight (BMI<25) 153 67% 123 44% <0.001 Overweight (25<=BMI >30) 59 26% 100 36% Obese (BMI>30) 15 7% 57 20% Smoking b Yes 43 19% 42 15% 0.248 Tumor characteristics Stage (clinical) b 0 70 31% 62 22% <0.001 I 85 37% 61 22% II 64 28% 118 42% III 3 1% 28 10% Receptor status a Triple negative 12 5% 21 7% 0.347 Hormone-negative, Her2-positive 10 4% 20 7% Hormone-positive, Her2-positive 120 52% 129 46% Hormone-positive, Her2-negative 84 37% 104 37% Unknown 3 1% 7 2% Grade b Grade I 34 15% 32 11% 0.012 Grade II 98 43% 129 46% Grade III 83 36% 81 29% Lymph node status N0 / unknown 171 75% 163 58% <0.001 >N0 58 25% 118 42% Multifocality Yes 78 34% 63 22% 0.010 7