Annelotte van Bommel

126 Table 2. Patient-reported experience with information provision on treatment options, on advantages and disadvantages of treatment options, and shared decision-making about immediate breast reconstruction. Item in questionnaire IBR No IBR (n=229) % (n=281) % P-value* Information on available treatment options Patient was preoperatively informed about possible treatment with: - IBR 226 99% 204 73% <0.001 - DBR 176 77% 204 73% 0.534 - External breast prosthesis 147 64% 228 81% <0.001 Patient received information on pros and cons of reconstruction Pros and cons of IBR were discussed between patient and physician (if received information on IBR) n=226 194 86% n=204 139 68% <0.001 Patient regarded information about BR was comprehensible (if information received about IBR) n=224 224 100% n=227 191 85% <0.001 Patient had opportunity to ask questions about BR (if information received about IBR) n=226 226 100% n=204 189 84% <0.001 Discussing effects of radiotherapy on breast reconstructive surgery Patient had a preoperative consultation with radiation oncologist (if treated with radiotherapy) n=39 16 41% n=95 39 41% 0.784 Patient received information on effect of radiotherapy on BR (if information received about IBR and treated with radiotherapy) n=38 24 63% n=74 38 51% 0.082 Experienced shared decision-making PatientfeltshecouldsharethedecisionregardingBR 208 91% 187 67% <0.001 IBR, mastectomy with immediate breast reconstruction; No IBR, mastectomy without IBR; BR, breast reconstructive surgery; DBR, delayed breast reconstruction. *Chi-square tested.