Annelotte van Bommel

140 10. Did you and your physician discuss the advantages and disadvantages of an immediate breast reconstruction? Yes – no – not applicable: did not receive any information on immediate breast reconstruction – can’t remember 11. Do you feel you had a choice in choosing for either an immediate breast reconstruction, a delayed breast reconstruction, or no breast reconstruction at all? Yes – no – not applicable: did not receive any information on immediate breast reconstruction – can’t remember 12. Do you feel the information you received on breast reconstruction was comprehensible? Yes – no – not applicable: did not receive any information on breast reconstruction – can’t remember 13. Do you feel you got the opportunity to ask your physician questions on breast reconstruction? Yes – no – not applicable: did not receive any information on breast reconstruction – can’t remember 14. Are you familiar with the ‘B-bewust checklist’, developed by the Dutch Breast Cancer Patient Association, and did you use this checklist when informing yourself on breast reconstruction? Yes, and applied this as well – yes, but did not apply this checklist – no – can’t remember 15. Were you informed on the possible effects of irradiation on the possibility of receiving (any kind of) breast reconstruction? Yes – no – not applicable: did not receive any information on breast reconstruction – can’t remember 16. Were you redirected to another hospital in order to receive a breast reconstruction? Notapplicable,breastreconstructionwasoffered inmytreatinghospital–no,Iwasnotredirectedanddid not receive breast reconstructive surgery – no, I was not redirected but informedmyself and eventually rejected breast reconstruction – no, I was not redirected but informed myself and eventually opted for breast reconstruction – yes, I was redirected and received breast reconstructive surgery – yes, I was redirected but rejected breast reconstructive surgery – I can’t remember – other 17. Did you receive a breast reconstruction, and if so, when did you receive this procedure? I did not receive breast reconstructive surgery – I did not receive breast reconstructive surgery, but consider having this procedure in de (nearby) future – I did not receive breast reconstructive surgery, but a delayed breast reconstruction is currently planned on [date DD/MM/YYYY] – yes, I received a delayed reconstruction on [date DD/MM/YYYY] – yes, I received an immediate breast reconstruction 18. Which type of immediate breast reconstruction did you receive? Tissueexpander,followedbyfinalprosthesis–immediatefinalprosthesiswithoutuseofatissueexpander –tissuefromtheback(latissimusdorsi)combinedwithfinalprosthesis,whetherornotwithuseoftissue expander–tissuefromtheabdomen(TRAM,DIEP,SIEA)–tissuefromthigh(TMG,SGAP, IGAPofPAP) – I don’t know – other 19. Which type of delayed breast reconstruction did you receive? Tissueexpander,followedbyfinalprosthesis–immediatefinalprosthesiswithoutuseofatissueexpander –tissuefromtheback(latissimusdorsi)combinedwithfinalprosthesis,whetherornotwithuseoftissue expander–tissuefromtheabdomen(TRAM,DIEP,SIEA)–tissuefromthigh(TMG,SGAP, IGAPofPAP) – I don’t know – other