Annelotte van Bommel

39 The NABON Breast Cancer Audit SUPPLEMENTARY APPENDIX 1 Overview of 32 quality indicators and their definitions used in the NABONBreast Cancer Audit Radiology BI-RADS classification described in radiology report (Standard >90%) - Numerator:NumberofpatientswithBI-RADScategoryreported indiagnosticphaseonmammography, ultrasound or breast MRI. - Denominator: Number of patients surgically treated for invasive breast cancer or DCIS. Breast MRI prior to neo-adjuvant chemotherapy - Numerator: Number of patients with breast MRI examprior to neo-adjuvant chemotherapy. - Denominator:Numberofpatientswith invasivebreastcancertreatedwithneo-adjuvantchemotherapy. Preoperative breast MRI - Numerator: Number of patients with preoperative breast MRI exam. - Denominator: Number of patients with invasive breast cancer or DCIS treated with primary surgery. Pathology Pathology report as defined (Standard >90%) - Numerator: Number of patients with standard pathology report including information about estrogen receptorpercentage,progesteronereceptorpercentage,HER2,grade,tumorsize,resectionmarginand number of positive lymph nodes. - Denominator: Number of patients with a pathology report of invasive breast cancer of at least 1cm without neo-adjuvant therapy. HER-2 positivemeasurement - Numerator: Number of patients with HER2 positive tumor. - Denominator: Number of patients with primary invasive breast cancer and availability of HER2 status. Estrogen positivemeasurement - Numerator:Numberofpatientswithestrogenreceptorpositivetumor(≥10%ofthetumorcellsispositive). - Denominator:Numberofpatientswithprimaryinvasivebreastcancerandavailabilityofestrogenreceptorstatus. Progesterone positivemeasurement - Numerator:Numberofpatientswithprogesteronereceptorpositivetumor(≥10%ofthetumorcellsispositive). - Denominator: Number of patients with primary invasive breast cancer and availability of progesterone receptor status. Surgery Tumorpositivemarginsafterfirstbreastconservingsurgeryforinvasivebreastcancerafterneo-adjuvanttherapy - Numerator:Numberofpatientswithmorethanfocal(>4mm)tumor inresectionmarginafterfirstbreast conserving surgery. - Denominator:Numberofpatientstreatedwithneo-adjuvanttherapyandbreastconservingsurgeryfor invasive breast cancer. Tumorpositivemarginsafterfirstprimarybreastconservingsurgeryforinvasivebreastcancer(Standard<15%) - Numerator:Numberofpatientswithmorethanfocal(>4mm)tumor inresectionmarginafterfirstbreast conserving surgery. - Denominator: Number of patients treated with breast conserving surgery for invasive breast cancer. Tumor positivemargins after first primary breast conserving surgery for DCIS (Standard <30%) - Numerator: Number of patients with focal or more than focal (>4 mm) tumor in resection margin after first breast conserving surgery. - Denominator: Number of patients treated breast conserving surgery for DCIS. 2