Annelotte van Bommel

48 Table 1. Patientandtumorcharacteristicsof61,309patientswith invasivebreastcancer in2011–2015. n (61309) % Age (years) Below 30 305 1% 30 - 39 2291 4% 40 - 49 9139 15% 50 - 59 16058 26% 60 - 69 17788 29% 70 or above 15708 26% Histological subtype Ductal 49677 81% Lobular 6936 11% Combination of ductal and lobular 1601 3% Other or unknown 3095 5% Grade Grade I 1 42 33 23% Grade II 26340 43% Grade III 15431 25% Unknown 5305 9% Clinical tumor stage cTx 1946 3% cT0 72 0% cTis 1488 2% cT1 35495 58% cT2 18304 30% cT3 2943 5% cT4 1061 2% Clinical nodal stage cNx 1582 3% cN0 50142 82% cN1 8697 14% cN2 323 1% cN3 565 1% Receptor type HR positive, HER2 negative 43280 71% HR positive, HER2 positive 5006 8% HR negative, HER2 positive 2400 4% Triple negative 6498 11% Unknown 4125 7% HR, hormone receptor; HER2, human epidermal growth factor receptor 2.