Annelotte van Bommel

50 Figure 1. The annual proportion of patients who undergo a breast-contour-preserving procedure (BCPP) separated by the multiple treatment modalities (2011-2015). Age-specific frequency of BCS and BCPP Table 2 presents the frequencies of the treatment strategies per age group. The overall frequency of BCPP was similar (approximately 70%) for all age categories, except for patients ≥70 years old (52%). The means used to preserve the breast contour varied per age group. The proportion of patients who underwent primary BCS was lowest under 30 years (17%) and highest (63%) in patients aged 60–69 years. With increasing age, both BCS after NAC and mastectomy with IBR rates decreased. Above the age of 70 years, a substantially lower percentage of primary BCS was observed (51%), and only a very low percentage of BCS after NAC (1%) and IBR (1%). Almost half of the oldest patients underwent a primary mastectomy. Figure 2 shows the cumulative age-specific proportions of the three treatment strategies to preserve the breast contour. 2013 2014 2015 2011 2012 Year Mastectomy with immediate reconstruction Breast conserving surgery and neo-adjuvant chemotherapy Primary breast conserving surgery 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0%