Annelotte van Bommel

86 Table 2. Univariable and multivariable analyses of hospital organization factors affecting the use of immediate breast reconstruction after mastectomy for 1,980 patients with ductal carcinoma in situ. (continued) Immediate breast reconstruction (DCIS) (n=1,980) Univariable Multivariable* No % Yes % Total OR 95% CI OR 95% CI # of plastic surgeons / 100 diagnoses Group 1 (0/0,5) 33 76.74 10 23.26 43 ref ref Group 2 (0,5/2,5) 1,021 59.60 692 40.40 1,713 2.24 1.10-4.57 1.56 0.70-3.47 Group 3 (>2,5) ub=23 108 50.23 107 49.77 215 3.27 1.53-6.97 3.26 1.11-9.59 Group 4 (unknown) 9 100.00 0 0.00 9 omitted omitted # of breast-surgeons / 100 diagnoses Group 1 (0/1,5) 532 57.08 400 42.92 932 ref Group 2 (1,5/2,5) 552 60.79 356 39.21 908 0.86 0.71-1.03 Group 3 (>2,5) ub=17 87 62.14 53 37.86 140 0.81 0.56-1.17 Attendance plastic surgeon in weekly MDT Never or incidental 209 71.09 85 28.91 294 ref ref Yes, structural 798 57.78 583 42.22 1,381 1.80 1.37-2.36 1.52 1.10-2.10 Unknown 164 53.77 141 46.23 305 2.11 1.51-2.96 2.15 1.39-3.34 Radiation therapy No 1,152 59.20 794 40.80 1,946 Ref Yes 19 55.88 15 44.12 34 1.15 0.58-2.27 CI, Confidence interval; OR, Odds Ratio; Ub, upper boundary; MDT, multidisciplinary teammeetings. * Corrected for age, grade, social economic state, hospital type, hospital volume, % referrals for mastectomy, number of weekly MDT, number of plastic surgeons and attendance of plastic surgeon at weekly MDT.