Annelotte van Bommel

89 Organizational factors affect the use of immediate breast reconstruction Table 3. Univariable and multivariable analyses of hospital organization factors affecting the use of immediate breast reconstruction after mastectomy for 14,491 patients with invasive breast cancer. (continued) Immediate breast reconstruction (invasive breast cancer) (n=14,491) Univariable Multivariable* No % Yes % Total OR 95% CI OR 95% CI # of plastic surgeons / 100 diagnoses Group 1 (0/0,5) 441 97.35 12 2.65 453 ref ref Group 2 (0,5/2,5) 10,606 82.92 2,185 17.08 12,791 7.57 4.26-13.46 5.55 3.04-10.11 Group 3 (>2,5) ub=23 898 79.05 238 20.95 1,136 9.74 5.39-17.59 12.33 6.03-25.21 Group 4 (unknown) 111 100.00 0 0 111 omitted omitted # of breast-surgeons / 100 diagnoses Group 1 (0/1,5) 5,793 80.67 1,388 19.33 7,181 ref Group 2 (1,5/2,5) 5,394 85.35 926 14.65 6,320 0.72 0.65-0.78 0.76 0.65-0.88 Group 3 (>2,5) ub=17 869 87.78 121 12.22 990 0.58 0.48-0.71 0.64 0.47-0.87 Attendance plastic surgeon in weeklyMDT Never or incidental 2,227 92.64 177 7.36 2,404 ref Yes, structural 8,144 80.28 2,001 19.72 10,145 3.09 2.63-3.63 2.91 2.39-3.54 Unknown 1,685 86.77 257 13.23 1,942 1.92 1.57-2.35 2.49 1.91-3.24 Radiation therapy No 8,162 79.96 2,046 20.04 10,208 Ref Yes 3,894 90.92 389 9.08 4,283 0.40 0.36-0.45 0.45 0.39-0.53 CI, Confidence interval; OR, Odds Ratio; Ub, upper boundary; MDT, multidisciplinary teammeetings. * Corrected for age, tumor type, clinical tumor stage, clinical lymph node stage, grade, multifocality, social economic state, hospital type, hospital volume %mastectomies (of all surgical excisions), % referrals for mastectomy, number of plastic surgeons, # of breast-surgeons / 100 diagnoses, attendance of plastic surgeon at weekly MDT and radiation therapy. 5