Esther Mertens

| 137 Components of School-Based Interventions Appendix B – Descriptives of Included Publications Reference Name intervention Aim Target Category outcomes Grades Adler-Beader 2007 LoveU2: increasing your relationship smarts (RS adapted) Healthy romantic relationships Inter Sexual health, social competence 9-12 Allara 2019 Diario della salute (my health diary) Wellbeing and health Intra Wellbeing, aggression, school climate 7 Ando 2007 Adaptation of Going Places Program Aggressive behavior Inter Self-regulation, aggression, social competence, school climate 7 Avery-leaf 1997 Dating violence prevention program Dating violence Inter Sexual health 11, 12 Baker 2014 Respect Sexual violence Inter Sexual health 9-12 Barkoukis 2016 Intervention against Cyberbullying Cyberbullying Inter Social competence, bullying 7-11 Bonell 2017 Learning Together intervention Bullying, aggression, and wellbeing Inter Wellbeing, aggression, bullying 7 Bosworth 2004 SMART Talk (based on BARN system) Problem solving without violence Inter Self-esteem, aggression, social competence 6-8 Boulton 1996 Sticks and stones video Bullying Inter Bullying 6-9 Bradley 2010 TestEdge Stress, anxiety, wellbeing, and relationships Intra and inter Self-regulation, internalizing, wellbeing, social competence, school climate 10 Bull 2009 The fairplayer.manual Bullying and relational aggression Inter Bullying 9-11 Burckhardt 2016 Strong Minds Subjective wellbeing Intra Wellbeing 9, 10 Burckhardt 2017 Dialectical behavior therapy skills group Mental health symptoms Intra Self-regulation, internalizing, aggression 10 Burckhardt 2017b Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) Wellbeing Intra Internalizing, wellbeing 10 Calear 2009 MoodGym Anxiety and depression Intra Internalizing 8-10 Caplan 1992 The Positive Youth Development Program Personal and social competence Intra and inter Self-esteem, self-regulation, wellbeing, social competence 6, 7 Caprara 2014 CEPIDEA Prosocial behavior Inter Self-esteem, aggression, social competence 7 Carraro 2014 Play fighting Aggressive behavior Inter Aggression 8 Castillo-Gualda 2017 INTEMO (Long version, 3 years) Aggression Inter Wellbeing, aggression 7 Challen 2014 UK Resilience Program Resilience Intra Internalizing, social competence 6 Chang 2013 Laughing Qigong Program Stress Intra Self-esteem, wellbeing 7 Cheung 2010 Character education Social competence Inter Social competence 8, 9 6