Esther Mertens

138 | Chapter 6 Reference Name intervention Aim Target Category outcomes Grades Coelho 2015 Positive Attitudes Social-emotional competence Intra and inter Self-esteem, self-regulation, internalizing, social competence 7-9 Coker 2017 Green Dot violence prevention program Sexual violence and interpersonal violence Inter Aggression 9-12 Connolly 2015 Respect in Schools Everywhere (RISE) Bullying, sexual harassment, and date aggression Inter Internalizing, sexual health, bullying, school climate 7, 8 Constatine 2015 Sexuality Education Initiative Sexual health Inter Self-esteem, aggression 9 Cross 2016 Cyber Friendly School Cyberbullying Inter Bullying 8, 9 Daly 2015 Yoga Emotion regulation Intra Self-regulation NR De Graaf 2016 Rock and Water Sexual aggressive behavior and cognitions Inter Self-esteem, self-regulation, sexual health 9, 10 De Villiers 2012 Resilience program Resilience Intra Resilience, self-esteem, self- regulation, social competence 6 Domino 2013 Take the lead Social skills Inter Bullying 7 DuRant 1996 Violence prevention curriculum for adolescents Violence use Inter Aggression 6-8 DuRant 1996 Conflict resolution: A curriculum for youth providers Violence use Inter Aggression 6-8 Espelage 2013 Second Step: Student Success Through Prevention Violence Inter Aggression, sexual health, bullying 6 Felver 2018 Learning to BREATHE Wellbeing and learning Intra Resilience 9-12 Foshee 2005 Safe Dates Dating violence Inter Aggression 8, 9 Frank 2016 Transformative life skills Stress and social-emotional health Intra Self-regulation, wellbeing, aggression, school climate 6, 9 Freire 2018 Challenge: To Be + Positive development Intra and inter Self-esteem, wellbeing 9 Garaigordobil 2004 Psychological intervention carried out with groups of adolescents Emotional development Intra Self-esteem, self-regulation, internalizing, social competence NR Garaigordobil 2015a, Garaigordobil 2015b, Garaigordobil 2014 Cyberprogram 2.0 Interpersonal conflicts and self-esteem Intra and inter Self-esteem, internalizing, social competence, bullying, aggression 9, 10 Gardner 2004 Connections: Relationships and Marriage Healthy romantic relations Inter Aggression, sexual health 11, 12 Ghahremani 2013 Youth empowerment SEminar (YES) Emotional wellbeing Intra Self-regulation 7-12