Esther Mertens

| 139 Components of School-Based Interventions Reference Name intervention Aim Target Category outcomes Grades Gianotta 2009 Expressive writing Negative outcomes associated with peer- related problems Inter Self-regulation, bullying 7 Gigantesco 2015 Definizione di obiettivi e soluzione di problemi (establishing goals and problems solving) Self-efficacy, psychological wellbeing, and life satisfaction Intra Self-regulation, wellbeing 9-11 Gollwitzer 2007 Vienna Social Competence Training (ViSC) Class commitment, responsibility, and nonaggressive behavior in conflict Inter Aggression 6-8 Gouda 2016 Mindfulness-based stress education group program Performance pressure Intra Self-esteem, self-regulation, internalizing, wellbeing, social competence 11 Haines, 1994 Stress inoculation training Negative arousal in response to stress Intra Internalizing, wellbeing, aggression 9-12 Hains 1990 Cognitive intervention training program Cope with stress and negative arousal Intra Self-esteem, internalizing, aggression 11, 12 Hains 1994 Stress inoculation training Negative arousal in response to stress Intra Self-esteem, internalizing, wellbeing, aggression NR Haynes 1979 Communication skills training program Self-disclosure and empathy Intra Self-esteem, social competence 11 Horn 2010 JES! Jugendpräventions- programm mit Expressivem Schreiben Emotion regulation Intra Wellbeing 8 Huppert 2010 Mindfulness-based stress reduction Mindfulness, resilience, and psychological wellbeing Intra Resilience, wellbeing 8 Ingram 2019 Stand up: Virtual reality to activate bystanders against bullying Bullying Inter Aggression, social competence, bullying, school climate 7, 8 Jaycox 2006 Ending violence: A curriculum for educating teens on domestic violence and the las Intimate partner violence Inter Sexual health 9 Jiménez-Barbero 2013 Count on me Bullying and violence Inter Aggression 7, 8 Kasler 2013 Meaning of Life program (Israeli adaptation of the Laws of Life program) Meaning in life Intra Self-esteem, wellbeing, school climate 10, 11 Kaveh 2014 Peer led training program Self-esteem Intra Self-esteem 7 Khanna 2016 Nice Thinking (adjusted to Indian culture) Gratitude and wellbeing Intra Wellbeing 7 6