Esther Mertens

140 | Chapter 6 Reference Name intervention Aim Target Category outcomes Grades Kiselica 1994 Stress inoculation training with assertiveness training Anxiety and stress Intra Internalizing, wellbeing 9 Klingman 1993 Cognitive-behavioral oriented distress-coping training Distress-coping Intra Wellbeing, social competence 8 Kozina 2018a Kozina 2018b My FRIENDS Anxiety Intra Internalizing, aggression 8 Lamke 1988 Cognitive-behavior modification program Self-statements and self- esteem Intra Self-esteem 9 Macgowan 1997 Dating violence prevention program Dating violence Inter Aggression 6-8 Menesini 2003 Peer support model Bullying Inter Bullying 6-8 Muck 2018 Scientist practitioner program Sexual violence Inter Sexual health 8, 9 Nash 2007 Empower youth program (and Usual school services) Health, wellbeing, and optimism for future Intra Internalizing 6-8 Noggle 2012 Kripalu yoga Overall wellbeing Intra Resilience, wellbeing, aggression 11, 12 Orpinas 1995 Second Step: A violence prevention curriculum Violence Inter Self-esteem, aggression 6 Ortega-Barón 2019 Prev@cib Bullying and cyberbullying Inter Bullying 7-10 Pacifici 2001 Dating and Sexual Responsibility Dating violence Inter Sexual health 10 Proctor 2011 Strengths Gym Build strengths and learn new strengths Intra Wellbeing, self-esteem 7, 8 Richardson 2009 BodyThink Self-esteem Intra Self-esteem, bullying 7 Ruini 2006 Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Mood disorder and psychobiological distress Intra Resilience, self-esteem, self- regulation, internalizing, wellbeing, aggression, social competence NR Ruini 2006 Well-being therapy (WBT) Psychological wellbeing Intra Resilience, self-esteem, self- regulation, internalizing, wellbeing, aggression, social competence NR Ruini 2009 Well-being Therapy (WBT) with added cognitive- behavioral packages Psychological wellbeing and optimal functioning Intra Self-regulation, internalizing, wellbeing, aggression, social competence 9, 10 Ruiz-Aranda 2012 INTEMO Aggressive behaviors, psychosocial maladjustment, and mental health Intra and inter Self-esteem, internalizing, wellbeing, social competence 7 Sánchez-Jiménez 2018 Dat-e Adolescence Dating violence Inter Self-esteem, aggression, sexual health 7-10