Esther Mertens

| 141 Components of School-Based Interventions Reference Name intervention Aim Target Category outcomes Grades Schramm 2012 Relationship Smarts Plus Healthy romantic relationships Inter Sexual health 8-12 Schultz 2001 Facing History and Ourselves Perspective-taking, critical thinking, and more decisions Inter Self-esteem, aggression, social competence 8 Shek 2011 Positive Adolescent Training through Holistic Social Programs (P.A.T.H.S.) Holistic youth development Intra and inter Resilience, self-esteem, self- regulation, social competence 7 Shinde 2018 Strengthening evidence base on school-based interventions for promoting adolescent health (SEHER) School climate and health- promoting behaviors Intra and inter Internalizing, aggression, bullying, school climate 8 Shoshani 2013 Maytiv School Program Mental health and empowerment Intra Self-esteem, wellbeing 7-9 Sibinga 2013 Mindfulness-based stress reduction program Psychological symptoms and coping Intra Internalizing, aggression 7, 8 Simons-Morton 2005 Going Places Program Social skills and problem behaviors Inter Aggression 6 Soliday 2004 Expressive writing Intervention Positive functioning and stress Intra Internalizing, wellbeing 8 Solomontos- Kountouri 2016 ViSC social competence program (with added parental component) Victimization and aggressive behavior Inter Aggression, bullying 7, 8 Sorrentino 2018 Tabby Improved Prevention and Intervention Program (TIPIP) Cyberbullying and victimization Inter Bullying NR Stevens 2000 Flemish anti-bullying program Bullying and victimization Inter Social competence, bullying NR Thomaes 2009 Self-affirmation intervention Narcissistic aggression Inter Self-esteem, aggression 7, 8 Thompkins 2014 Violence Prevention Project Conflict resolution skills Inter Social competence 9, 10 Tomyn 2016 Think Health and Wellbeing Thinking style, self-esteem, and resilience Intra Resilience, self-esteem, internalizing 8 Trip 2015 Rational Emotive Behavioral Education (REBE) Negative dysfunctional emotions and alternative to low frustration tolerance Intra Aggression, bullying 6 Trip 2015, Yanagida 2016 Viennese Social Competence (ViSC) Bullying and aggressive behavior Inter Aggression, bullying 6, 7 6