Esther Mertens

142 | Chapter 6 Reference Name intervention Aim Target Category outcomes Grades Tunariu 2017 iNEAR Positive identities, character strengths, and resilience Intra Wellbeing, social competence 6, 7 Van der Meulen 2010 Adjusted version of EQUIP program for Educators Peer victimization Inter Sexual health, bullying, school climate 8, 9 Van Schoiack- Edstrom 2002 The Second Step, Middle school/Junior High program Prosocial skills and impulsive-aggressive behavior Inter Aggression, social competence 6, 7 Williams 2015, Miller 2015 Start strong: Building healthy teen relationships Healthy romantic relationships and dating violence Inter Aggression, bullying, sexual health, social competence 7 Williford 2013 KiVa antibullying program Cyberbullying and victimization Inter Bullying 8, 9 Wong 2011 Restorative Whole-school Approach Bullying Inter Self-esteem, social competence, bullying, school climate 7-9 Yom 2005 Educational Program for the Prevention of Sexual Violence Sexual violence Inter Sexual health 6 Note. Intra = Intrapersonal domain; Inter = Interpersonal domain; NR = Not reported