Esther Mertens

186 | Chapter 7 Curriculum Vitae Esther Mertens was born January the 2 nd 1990 in Dongen, the Netherlands. She obtained her bachelor degree in Child and Family Studies in 2013 at Utrecht University which she combined with the honors program (Von Humboldt College) and a semester studying at the University of Bologna. After the bachelor program, Esther completed both the research master Development and Socialization in Childhood and Adolescence and the clinical master Clinical Child and Family Studies (with honor) at Utrecht University. She obtained the certificate for Psychodiagnostics Assessment and received an award from The Dutch Society for Pedagogics and Education Experts (NVO) for her thesis on differential treatment response. In 2016, Esther started her four-year PhD project at the department of Clinical Child and Family Studies at Utrecht University, which led to the current dissertation. During her PhD project, she visited the Child Behaviour Research Clinic (University of Sydney, three weeks), the Laboratory for Youth and Mental health (Harvard University, one week), and the Centre for Evidence- Based Intervention (University of Oxford, three months). Currently, Esther continues to work at the department of Clinical Child and Family Studies as a post-doc focusing on intervention research.